Thursday 5 November 2009

Computer Usage Policy



The company reserves the right to designate those employees and contractors to whom it will provide access to the internet and electronic mail services, and may revoke access at any time to persons who misuse the system. The company’s computer equipment and systems must only be accessed and operated by those authorised to do so. Unauthorised use, intentional interference with the normal operation of the network or failure to comply with this policy will be regarded as gross misconduct and may lead to dismissal and possible criminal prosecution.

Internet access is controlled and the company reserves the right to prevent access to any sites it deems unacceptable. Any employee or contractor attempting to evade the controls instituted will be suitably disciplined and may be dismissed in appropriate circumstances.


All software downloaded to a company computer must be approved by a member of staff responsible for IT systems before installation to assure compatibility with software already installed on the computer. Problems may arise when unauthorised software is installed which is not compatible with the approved software. No disks may be brought in from an employee's home and used on the company’s system at any time.
employees and contractors must not download software or electronic files without implementing virus protection. All files attached to external email as well as files downloaded from the internet must be scanned. Users must report suspected incidents of software viruses or similar contaminants from email attachments and/or downloads from the internet immediately to a member of staff responsible for IT systems.
Passwords, encryption keys and other confidential information relating to the company’s systems must not be transmitted over the internet or by email or be made available to any person not explicitly authorised by a Company Director.
Employees and contractors must not change or use another person’s files, output or user name for which they do not have express authorisation.

The company may deny access to the internet and its electronic mail services, and may inspect, monitor, log, track or disclose email activities in, but not limited to, the following circumstances:
1. If there are substantiated reasons to believe that violations of the law and/or this policy have taken place which provide the company with good cause; or
2. A bona fide complaint is received in relation to misuse of email or internet access.


Employees and contractors must adhere to all intellectual property and copyright law. Employees and contractors must not upload, download or otherwise transmit any copyrighted materials belonging to parties outside the company without the copyright holder’s written permission


Company email and internet systems may not be used for personal purposes during normal working hours. Occasional use for personal reasons is allowed outside working hours subject to the terms and conditions of this policy. The use of web-based email systems such as "hotmail" and "Yahoo!" is encouraged to avoid company email accounts being used. Personal external email sent via a company access account should clearly indicate that it is a personal communication and unrelated to the company. Users are expected to respect and not abuse the privilege of personal email and specifically must not:
1. use company email systems, content and mailing lists for personal gain ;
2. directly or indirectly interfere with the operation of email services, and cause unwarranted or unsolicited interference with the use of email systems by others ;
3. interfere with employment duties, or other obligations to the company ; or
4. burden the company with noticeable system congestion and/or additional costs. Any sources causing such congestion and/or additional costs will be blocked automatically and will not be permitted access to our mail system

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